8 ways to eat to save the planet

BrainLog // Denmark
BrainLog’s main focus is on the creation and project management of educational digital solutions, web and app e-learning platforms, career guidance, entrepreneurship and HR management of SMEs.
Through their projects they promote social and professional inclusion with equal opportunity strategies. Being involved in numerous projects our network has expanded significantly, since BrainLog’s creation in 2016. We offer project creation and development consulting for schools, businesses, entrepreneurs and investors from private, governmental and non-profit organizations to create, apply and receive investments for their projects in Denmark. Furthermore BrainLog provides strategic advice and project development solutions. Working for our partners and supporting their economic and social growth BrainLog would like to achieve one of our main goals through our project management activities – to ensure inclusive and sustainable growth, notably by supporting innovation and entrepreneurship to create a better living in Denmark and

Forum para la Educación y el Desarrollo, SL // Spain
FORUM is a Spanish organization with residence in Seville, focused on training and educational development of people of all ages, especially in the areas of youth and sport, entrepreneurship, languages and social inclusion.
Their training plans are based on enhancing the skills of students for their future immersion in the labor market, expanding and updating their knowledge, as well as courses specifically aimed at employed or unemployed workers who want to acquire new skills for their development and projection within the working market.

Instruction and Formation // Ireland
I & F Education is an Irish based organisation working in and from Dublin for the educational development of people of all ages, especially in the areas of entrepreneurship, sport and personal development, youth and schools, language acquisition, inclusion and diversity and rural development. We stress and put the emphasis on lifelong learning as well as adult learning.
They are involved in a number of Transnational European Projects and are part of several European Networks, including The New Ideas for New Opportunities European Network and the EDIN Network, which is focused on diversity and inclusion.

Korup Skole // Denmark
Korup Skole is a public school situated in Odense (Denmark).
The school has existed for more than 100 years and has three departments – primary school, junior secondary school and department for children with learning
disabilities. Primary and secondary school have approx. 450 pupils in 20 classes – 2 classes in each year group from grade
0 to 9th grade. Our department for children with learning disabilities has approx. 70 pupils.
There are approx. 80 pedagogic employees, a principal, vice principal and two pedagogic department leaders

Euphoria Net Srl // Italy
Euphoria Net Srl is an Italian company specializing in three areas: project management, training and the organization of events and communication strategies linked.
Euphoria Net operates in the area of EU opportunities, covering the main aspects of international projects and activities: planning, implementation, dissemination, technical and financial reporting. The company brings to the project experience in training development, instructional design, and educational innovation and engages a wide network of schools, principals’ unions, and training centres useful and functional in international projects.

Ardmore // Ireland
Ardmore is an Irish organisation working for the educational development of people in rural areas, especially in the fields of environmental sustainability, green policies, digitalisation, entrepreneurship, personal development, social inclusion and diversity, youth and schools. We promote lifelong learning in rural communities.
Within the contexts of a harsher economic climate, Ardmore seeks to champion needs responsive to the needs of rural development in Wexford and surrounding areas. We are both local and outward looking, coming up with development initiatives which focus on improving the quality of life in the Wexford area and throughout Ireland.
We provide practical and needed supports including training, work placement and advice to community and voluntary groups, social inclusion of target groups, small businesses, farm families and businesses and potential entrepreneurs. We also collaborate with a wide range of local organisations in the delivery of our services.

Ribamar // Spain
Ribamar is a Vocational and Secondary Training center that offers private and subsidized studies, Secondary education, intermediate degree courses in Nursing, DUAL Pharmacy and Parapharmacy, Technician in Attention to People in Dependency Situation and advanced vocational training in DUAL Oral Hygiene, Dietetics, DUAL Children Education and DUAL Bilingual Tourist Accommodation Management.
Ribamar is located in the heart of the Santa Cruz neighborhood in Seville, very well connected by public transport and two and a half hours from Madrid by high-speed train.
With more than 50 years of experience, we maintain our character as a pioneering center in the academic, human and social training of women, thus facilitating more than 70% of our students to join the world of work in the best companies in the sector, we currently have agreements with more than 120 companies and 100% of the students access the university degree through the grade of the cycle.

GAL Meridaunia // Italy
Meridaunia is a mixed liability limited liability consortium established in 1998.
It was born as a Local Action Group (LAG) to implement the Leader II Community Initiative in the territory of 16 Municipalities of the area of Southern Dauni Mountains.
The « mission » of Meridaunia is to be a real « Development Agency » of the territory, with an overall function of support for the development and creation of business and work.
The institutional task of Meridaunia essentially consists in the elaboration and implementation of territorial development strategies, through the involvement of the largest number of local socio-economic actors (public and private) as well as of the local communities.